Human behavior is monitored everyday via voice mining, data monitoring, personal activity on internet search engines, consumer profiling, even the way we think can be mapped through algorithms we perform on a daily basis. In the business world it is a major tool in determining what triggers human behavior to purchase. For example, you perform a search on Google for a tool shed, the next time you open any social site on the internet you magically see adds for tool sheds of all kids, MAGIC!
In the retail world, the ability to trigger human behavior to purchase is the golden ring of sales. The process is amazingly successful, invasive and controversial, but as long as it drives sales it will only get more complex and frequent because it works!
In the service industry, regardless if it is pest control, heating and air conditioning or for that matter the health industry with physicians and dentist there exist a more powerful tool. A tool that is 100% guaranteed to trigger action yet it is not recognized in any sales training.
"Concern" is the most powerful trigger to action in our human behavior makeup. More powerful than consumer profiling, voice mining, data monitor or technical spying in existence today. The simplistic beauty of concern is that it lends itself almost exclusively to the service industry and service providers. For instance, you wake up with a severe toothache that automatically triggers "concern" which pushes you to call a dentist to seek service. The fact it is a medical issues is of not relevant as you will still pay for the service, it is still a sell. Another example, you go into your basement and find the floor joists literally laying on the basement floor with white bugs crawling in the wood, termites! That revelation triggers "concern" which promotes action automatically. It is not a question of "if" you will pay for service it becomes a matter of who you will chose to do the service and how much you will pay. The trigger has been pulled.
While those examples are not revolutionary, "concern" was established by circumstance not technique such as the technological mining methods mentioned above by the Retail industry. The Service industry has a better opportunity to "mine" and establish "concern" and that lies in the service contract regular inspections. If you are a dental patient the odds are you go to the dentist every six months for cleaning and exams. Probably once a year they perform X-rays, at anytime the dentist detects an issue such as a cavity or gum problems the dentist will inform you of the issue which will trigger "concern", and we already know what "concern" will produce. That concern will force you to take action, correct the problem and yes, you will be charged for it. In the field industry, take for example the pest industry, if you have a termite warranty your home is inspected normally once a year. While doing that inspection the inspector informs you there is a raccoon living in the attic and the insulation is contaminated or damaged. Here again, that will trigger "concern" and force you to action be it a second opinion or find another vendor to address the problem. Yes, there will be a charge and therefore a sell for somebody.
Performing routine inspections rather it be a dentist or the heating and air conditioning technician is a gold mine for sales opportunity. The problem in the service industry like pest, HVAC, or automotive is that routine inspections are either not valued as a sales opportunity or they are abused by unethical inspectors attempting to "create" sales with fabricated evidence.
In most cases, it is a simple matter the routine inspections are not valued as profitable inspections. Inspectors and service providers need to be trained to identify threats and issues that will cause problems for the client health, body or structure. Locating and identify these issues is not unethical, in fact it is irresponsible if it is not exploited if problems are found. When the doctor informs his patient after an examination there is a problem the patient will be concerned and will take some form of action, that is no different than an inspector after a routine inspection informing the customer they found a problem. You do not have to SELL anything! Perform a good inspection, inform the customer of the problem and let "concern", human behavior do the rest.

Basic rules and qualities of "Concern" must be recognized.
1- Concern is not “Created”
It must be real, not fabricated by unethical false evidence
2- Concern is not FEAR
Consumers that purchase from fear are impulsive and and often cancel and distrust any
future attempts.
3- Concern is “Established” by revelation
Examinations, routine inspections or self revelation of problem
4- Concern, gives birth to “URGENCY”
It is human nature to worry, once concern is established
5- Concern triggers “Action”
The consumer will act in one fashion or another but they will move address the problem
The customer knows once the problem revealed it will not go away
7- Concern will force “RESOLUTION”
Knowing the problem will not go away concern will force the customer to find some sort of
8- Concern, once resolved, establishes long lasting trust and loyalty to the person or
company that relieved that concern.